Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I know two naughty children that both have a birthday party coming up this weekend! I think we are still getting pretty prepared to handle a bunch of three and one year olds.

Meanwhile, here are a few pictures of my 3-in-1 playing together.

One thing about Layla is she never likes anyone to touch her stuff. You turn the light on..she is going to turn it off and then yell at you for doing it. She likes all of her toys a certain way and when we play grocery store the milk always has to be on the canned food aisle and the hamburger helper is always in the cracker and cookie aisle. I guess it works for her either way.

Carter feeding daddy a relatively healthy meal for once..even if it is just plastic. I like Carter's way of hinting things. NO MORE CHICKEN FINGERS!

You see this face? This is the face we all get when we have moved something that Layla has put somewhere.

These two are such good pals! I am so glad that they will be sharing their party together..although one day they might not like it. We shall see!

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