Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mouthy Monday

With all the celebrating going on these last few weeks, I sure have some tired, mouthy toddlers. Layla's new word is "No" and Carter has a phrase that goes a little something like this "NO! It's not". This tends to be blurted out no matter what Al or I say and believe me it is a working progress.

These two little munckins were not happy campers this morning. Of all mornings they chose to sleep in..this was definitely a Monday. I, myself, am guilty of hating Mondays unless, of course, The Bachelor/Bachelorette is coming on.

More interested in milk then a smile...

I give up with this grouchy pair!

At least my flowers seem to be happy and blooming well and happy to see me..hahaha.

Gosh if looks could kill..haha. The camera is going away for right now.

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