Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Birthday Girl!!!!

A year ago today at 11:00 p.m. I gave birth to Miss Layla Nicole Hardin..tipping the scales at 10lbs 4oz and measuring 23 1/4 inches long my big girl made us a family of four. It's hard to believe it has been a year. My kids have grown fast and I couldn't be prouder to be their mom.

A year ago today..there I was still pregnant waiting on my sweet baby girl!

Layla on the scale showing off her weight. She was the biggest baby born at Emory Eastside since January of 2010. The whole floor was talking about it and the nurses couldn't believe it.

Our first family photo with our new edition..of course missing Carter who was anxiously waiting at home.

Happy Birthday sweet girl!

Even though they got spoiled at their party, Al and I waited to their actual birthdays to give them our presents.

Wanting the cupcake before we even sang happy birthday!

Make a wish......

Ah much better..full of cupcake!

Sweet boy eating his cupcake and trying to understand that it is Layla's birthday..not still his.

Presents! Layla honestly was not into presents at all..not even the tissue paper. Al and Carter were glad to help her out.

Sweet ballerina dress! I love it!

Some much needed onesies and a book set.

Last but not least...

Some 10KT diamond cross earrings from her daddy! This is Layla's first set of earrings since I had her ears pierced 7 months ago.

Happy Birthday Layla! I love you very much and I am looking forward to #2!



  1. Happy Birthday to our precious god daughter! We love you and little Carter!

  2. happy 1st birthday, layla! :)
