Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This time...

This time last year I was getting everything ready for my sweet baby girl! Not to mention I was due in 7 days and was not feeling well at all and miserable. Looking back...I realize time sure flies fast because here I am a year later preparing for her first birthday and I have to ask myself...where did all the time go?

This picture was taken almost exactly a year ago..it was one of my last days at work before I took maternity leave. Hard to believe this was only a year ago.

Yet again, almost three years ago...there I was preparing for our sweet baby boy. My water broke the evening I took this picture.

Where did my puff go? Silly girl!

Okay mama..this is really getting old..where is MY PUFF? I really don't know if she was looking for it or just aggravated because she stuck it on her face? Who knows?

This here is my baby girl's first night on whole milk. Bye-bye formula and on to the good stuff!

1 comment:

  1. You look so beautiful preggers!!! Can't wait until their party on Saturday! Hard to believe how big they have gotten.
