Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Tonight was a pretty quite night at this Hardin household other then the fact that we are going to be expecting some pretty nasty storms later on tonight. I managed to take some pictures of my munchkins right before bed.

All ready for her bath!!

Bath time is their favorite time of day!

The potty seat that Carter refuses to use all together. It is a working progress...

Excited that daddy decided to come and help out at bath time.

Two clean little butts!

These two are so silly together. You never know what kind of trouble their getting into!

Playing in Layla's crib before bed.

Carter ready to get his old bed back and Layla upset that she is going to bed. I honestly don't think Carter would have left his crib if he hadn't been forced to.

Nighty-night Carter and Layla.

1 comment:

  1. They are so darling! Can't wait to see them this weekend! I love Layla's little romper!
