Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, May 9, 2011

Birthday Boy!

Three years ago today, Mr. Carter Riley Hardin made his debut into this world at 2:16 p.m. I cannot believe how fast he has grown. It seems like yesterday, I was still rocking him to sleep and giving him sink baths and now he is three years old.

Our first shot as a family of three!

Carter Riley Hardin, May 9th 2008, 7lbs 12oz, 22 inches long!

And now May 9th, 2011..someone is pretty impatient on wanting their favorite meal.


We had so much cake leftover from the party that were able to recycle some and light the candles right back up!

My sweet girl wishing her brother a happy birthday while enjoying her spaghetti!

Singing happy birthday!

Make a wish and BLOW!

Layla covered in noodles and cake. I think she was wearing more then she ate. Besides she is making up for being so bashful with her own birthday cake at her party.

Opening presents!

More Thomas the Train!

Layla volunteered to do the dishes..how sweet of her hahaha.

She did not like being sprayed with the sink hose..hahaha. Keep in mind this was taken before that.

Still enjoying his presents. I feel like I have been celebrating all week but honestly that is the way to do it! I have another birthday coming up this weekend..Miss Layla Nicoles. The celebrating continues.

Happy 3rd birthday Carter! I love you!
