Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Today we celebrated Carter's 3rd and Layla's 1st birthday at Alexander Park. It was a lot of fun and we got to spend the day with good family and friends!

We had a Thomas the Train and Princess themed party!

Layla's little boyfriend Jake and his mama. Jake and Layla are in Sunday school and nursery school together! We were so glad he came to celebrate with us!

Mimi and Carter! Carter not cooperating for the camera as usual.

Aunt Kathryn, Sophie, and Banks stopped by Carter and Layla's birthday party on their way to go see Uncle Jim.

Little Sophie!

Al taking Banks and Layla to the playground. We think Banks thought Al was Uncle Jim because we was glued to Al just about the whole time...baby hog!

I turn my back for one minute and you see what happens? Carter deciding to rock climb in the midst of the festivities.

Birthday Princess!

Cousin Tyler also came to our party..another great surprise.

Al and his new compadre.

Micah. Micah goes to Carter's school.

Somebody was ready for cake along with the other three year olds. Due to the wind, it was hard to keep the candles lit.

Layla screaming for her 1st birthday cake.

I thought Layla was just going to dig right in to her cake..but she was a little hesitant at first.

Everybody enjoying their pizza and cake!


I don't think these munchkins needed anymore sugar!

Our big haul! What a great 1st and 3rd party!


  1. Looks like it was a blast - Happy Birthdays Cousins!

  2. It was a blast! It was good getting to spend their party with them!
