Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, May 30, 2011


In memory of all our close family and friends that have served our proud country. This is my same post as last year but nothing has changed.

Memorial Day is great day to celebrate all the fellow soldiers that have served before me, that have served with me, and that will serve after me. Thank you so much for all that you do. Without our military, we would not have all the freedoms that we have today. So many special people in my life have served in our military during contingency operations:

Ben Skardon: WWII and the Korean War, US Army
Alvin Skardon: WWII, US Army
Steven Skardon: WWII, US Army
Hooper Skardon: WWII, US Army
Bubba Golden: WWII, USMC
John Skardon: Honor Guard, US Army
Ernest A. Gardner: Korean War, US Air Force
Curnis Enix: WWII, US Army
Craig Hardin: Desert Storm, US Air Force
James Enix: Vietnam War, US Navy
Alvin Hardin: War on Terrorism, USMC
Christina Scott: War on Terrorism, USMC
Travis Watson: War on Terrorism, USMC
My unit..HOOAH to the 94th Services Squadron, Dobbins AFB!

There are so many more that Al and I could add to the list. Here are a few pictures of myself, family, and friends.

There is truly no greater feeling or honor.

Paw-Paw Skardon, one of the many true American heroes!

Travis Watson, another true American Hero.

Travis's unit in the desert.

Lcpl. Christina Scott (my BFF) another true American hero.

Our new uniforms. This was taken at Mildenhall AFB, England.

Some of my friends that I have stayed in touch with through the years. My tech school graduation August 2006.

My unit at Dobbins. We were preparing to do the gas chamber. Very painful FYI.

Lcpl. Christina Scott, USMC MWSS 471 and SrA. Haley Hardin, USAF 94th SVS. Christina and I have been best friends since our freshman year at Brookwood and both enlisted in the military shortly after high school.

Memorial Day Fun

Today we decided to get the pool out just like last year for Memorial Day. The kids had a blast and paw-paw came by to join the fun! Here are some pictures of our afternoon

Two excited munchkins to be getting some pool time in!

Somebody a little chilly after making a big splash in the pool!

Kisses for mama!

Kisses for paw-paw!

Carter trying his best effort to get paw-paw in the pool.

Rocking with paw-paw!

Umm..yeah..I see why they make water diapers..haha. Looks like they will be on the list for next time.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Josh and Abbi's Wedding

This has been such a wedding year for Al and I. First, my cousin Brittany's wedding, then my cousin Sara's wedding, and now my cousin Josh is married (I have a lot of cousins). They were married at Tucker Plantation and the ceremony was absolutely beautiful. Here are a few pics of the ceremony and our evening!

The wedding was outside in the field. This is right before the groomsman arrived.

Al and I during cocktail hour.

Mom and I during cocktail hour.

My grandparents and I after the ceremony.

The bride Abbi and I!

Everyone jamming on the dance floor.

Josh and Abbi heading out to go to Costa Rica!

Leaving in my paw-paws 1952 Chevrolet! Congratulations!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Meanwhile, why the kids were at Nana's..Al and I got to catch up on some much needed rays at the pool.

It is pretty obvious Al did not go with me to the beach last weekend...

And those of us that actually did had nothing to show for it. I think Al and I reflected the sun the opposite direction. This was our first relaxing pool experience we have had for a while!

Bye-bye Babies

I know two babies who are getting ready to go out of town for the weekend...

Can you tell whose bag is whose?

All ready to go...

And excited to see their Nana Bev for the weekend.

And Nana Bev was excited to see them!

I miss my sweet babies already and I am hoping Nana will send me some pictures of their trip up to Walhalla!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Baby Layla

Today I found some newborn pictures I had taken of Layla at the hospital right after she was born. The CD went missing and I was devastated that I could not share them until now (here we are a year later)..but it's a good comparison to how much she has changed!

She looks so different! I never would have thought this was the same baby!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A little bit of this..little bit of that...

Not to much going on around here lately, however, I did happen to snap a few pictures of my little pair this evening!

Messy girl getting ready for her bath...

On her way....

While someone else was already playing in the bath!

I think this is a real good look for Al.

Horsing around with daddy before bed..this has almost become a ritual.

Always helpful when Carter brings me my lipstick I have been looking for..I swear he has a secret stash.

Clean girl playing a little bit after her bath!