Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

1st trip to the ER

This past Saturday, my poor baby girl had to go to the Gwinnett Medical ER for a 102.6 fever and a continuing cough that she has had for three months. I don't know if y'all remember but she was diagnosed with what they thought was RSV a few months ago. After taking her to her pediatrician several times and being told she had a cold or complications from the RSV, I decided to make her an appointment with a pediatric pulmonologist to treat the continuing cough that was scheduled for this Friday. At the ER we learned that not only did she have a bilateral ear infection, she also had right middle lobe pneumonia. Lets just say I wore my welcome out on the phone at their pediatrician's office (that we have now fired) real quick.

My sweet baby undressed trying to get her fever to go down.

Fever finally broke and after having her blood drawn, her urine drawn out by catheter, and a chest x-ray..this poor little baby was wore out. Finally some relief after some antibiotics and some abuterol.

I had my Air Force drill this weekend and it killed me to go back to work on Sunday but I knew she was in good hands with her daddy.

Finally some color back in her face. She is actually doing a lot better. She saw their NEW pediatrician today and was released back to daycare. She is following up with the pulmonologist on Friday!

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