Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Christmas photo shoot gone WRONG

I got the new photo shop for my laptop since I love photographing my little turkeys so much and decided to attempt some possible Christmas card photos. I guess I should of realized that two hungry and tired children would not have been much in the picture mood..haha. As you can very well see...

Carter said it was the Santa longtall that was bothering him..hahaha.

The red dress that Layla is in above the one I wore for my 1st Christmas.

Two tired kids tired of pictures. I think Christmas card pictures will be for a different night.

Carter in the background more interested in the music box.

Yeah definitely an unsuccessful picture night. These two little ones were ready to hit the sack.

1 comment:

  1. Carter is so going to kill you when he is older for putting him in that Santa longtall..you know this right? We think it is cute but I am sure he will beg to differ.
