Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Visit with Nana

This weekend we made the trip up to Walhalla to see Bev and John. We had a ton of fun visiting and of course eating! We also went and visited Al's grandma who has been having a real hard time since her surgery. It was great getting to see her and she enjoyed visiting with the munchkins as well. I think we will be back real soon to see everyone again!

Nana and Layla. John enjoying his breakfast behind them..haha.

Nana and John playing with Layla.

Nana and her little boy!

Carter excited that he had some new turf to explore. Not to mention he enjoyed watching Toy Story for the 11th time. I think we all had it memorized by the time the weekend was over.

Happy boy enjoying his Sunday breakfast. It was such a great visit and a nice get away from all the Atlanta traffic.

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