Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, November 14, 2010

1/2 Birthday

Today my sweet little angel turned six months old! Where has all the time gone? It seems like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. At six months, Layla is taking a serious interest in table food, loves to be held (ALL THE TIME!!!!), is quite the little chatter box, wants to be like her big brother, loves her daddy, and loves to be read too. Like her brother, she is an awesome baby! Where did we get two awesome kids and get so lucky both times? Layla has quite the personality for such a little person. She is very sweet, super cuddly, and loves to laugh. Don't get it twisted though, she can be quite the pistol as well. Here are a few pictures of her 1/2 birthday.

Happy baby on her 1/2 birthday!

Such a little princess in her gown and hat!

We celebrated today with a stage two favorite of her brothers when he was a baby. The famous "Apple Delight".

Loving her candle!

Loving on my little 1/2 birthday girl.

Daddy and his little princess. She loves her daddy that is for sure.

So far Layla, it has been a great six months. We can't imagine our lives without you and we are so blessed to have such an adorable, sweet, healthy, and precious little princess. We love you so very much! XOXO