Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, November 1, 2010

November Already!

Unwinding after Halloween last night sure was exhausting for this mama. I think last night was the latest the munchkins have ever been up since they were both born (I have every intention of making it their last for a while). Although some of you may think 10:00 o'clock is not late, it is very late when both your children are use to being in bed by 7:30. It is hard to believe it is already November..Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. Here are some pics of the kids unraveling after school today. It was definitely a early night for this Hardin household.

Layla already has her shoes kicked off with the help of her brother and it looks as if she is working on her tights.

Carter decided that he would not help Layla any further and decided that Thomas was calling his name louder then his sister.

Someone not very amused and waiting on me to put the camera down and get her..maybe in a few minutes.

Happy boy eating his dinner. I am wondering if he was actually happy or tired happy (there is a BIG difference).

Ah yes..someone a little more in better spirits now that she had a jar of peas.

This is the "I am ready for my milk face". Testing 1..2..3..

I definitely think this picture answered my question above..he was "tired happy"..haha.

What a tiring Monday!

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