Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Today my little man stayed home sick from school which meant I was home too. He started with a cough and runny nose this past weekend and last night all that was followed by a ugly fever. With some apple juice, Tylenol, Toy Story, and sleeping into nine o'clock...I think someone might be feeling a little better.

Poor little guy! He was extra sweet and cuddly this morning (which can be rare with a two year old)

I think this weather change literally has everyone "down".

Whining for some juice. Not much of an appetite but always room for some AJ.

Ahh much better. Binky and AJ!

After some much needed rest and Tylenol, Carter started feeling a lot better. I think he has a good old fashioned cold.

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