Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mr. Penguin

Things have been mighty crazy around here these last few weeks of January; I had surgery on the 20th and just really been taking it easy..until now..we are back up and running. And just because I had surgery, didn't mean I wasn't still a photographing machine. Layla had her pulmonary appointment and had to be put on a nebulizer for her asthma and his name is Mr. Penguin.

The famous Mr. Penguin!

Carter says he looks like Squeaky from Toy Story 2..a Carter Riley favorite.

As pitiful as it looks..she has actually been doing a lot better! We haven't had to use her rescue inhaler at all since she has been on the nebulizer.

Of course somebody was feeling a little left out from this cool new "toy"...

He is all about wearing the mask around for kicks and giggles..but I do recall a time at the pediatrician where Carter needed the nebulizer and lets just say we didn't quite make it through the whole treatment..even with half the staff in the room...it was definitely a "whose child is that moment"?

And yes Alvin..because you made that face and decided to ruin my picture, I decided it would look mighty cute (cough) on the blog. Al has become quite the pro at nebulizer treatments. Could it be that Family Guy is always on?

Feels good to be back!

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