Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cousin Molly!

This past Sunday, we had the pleasure of finally meeting Miss Molly AKA: Miss Pucker! Miss Molly has quite the personality..she definitely loves her daddy and Layla learned real quick that her daddy is a one baby kinda man. It was great getting to visit with her and of course Uncle Tom and Aunt Sue. Carter hadn't seen them since his Baptism. The kids had an awesome time playing while we observed them and had a awesome lunch (compliments of Nana Bev).

This naughty threesome was into everything!

Layla happy that she finally had someone to play tea party with other then Carter and daddy..sorry guys.

Carter and Molly! This was the closest we got to getting them to look at the camera.

Merry belated Christmas Molly! We can't wait to see you again!

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