Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, February 17, 2011

9 Months

I definitely meant to update Miss Layla's nine month profile on the 14th but with Valentines Day, class parties, and everything else going on it was a little difficult.

At nine months:

Favorite food: Really anything she can get her hands on. She really enjoys puffs and the mum-mums.
Favorite Activity: Playing with her house and fake food. Layla is all girl for sure! She loves bath time. Bath time is probably her favorite part of the day. She also loves to play outside in her little red car.
Motor Skills: Loves to play patty-cake, crawling everywhere, and is starting to pull up and coast around furniture, makes kissing noises, and understands the word "no".
Favorite words: Mama, dada, baba (whatever that is)--haha.
Favorite person: Carter by far...

Layla is a really good baby! She takes two naps a day--usually one around 10:00 a.m. and another around 2:00 p.m. Bedtime is 7:30 p.m. and she will definitely let you know when she is tired. She eats three solid foods a day and still favors her bottle most of all.

Unfortunately, Layla still struggles with her Asthma. Everyday is different--some days she is completely wheeze free while others she wheezes all day even with the help of the best medicines. We are hopeful that as she continues to grow that she will outgrow her Asthma.

She sees the pediatrician next week for her check up--I am curious to see how much my sweet girl has grown!

I can't believe in just three months, she will be 1!!!

Layla has enough hair now for a pony tail..hahaha. It is too precious and it is turning blonde like her brothers. Dress or no dress..this baby is getting from point A to point B.

Playing tea party!

She wants to be just like her brother. These two are such good pals. They can laugh and play for hours. Carter is such an awesome brother. He is always patient and willing to help her in any way he can.

Don't let this pitiful face fool you..she can throw quite the tantrum if she does not get her way..as her daddy says.."typical woman". For all my lady readers, I already took care of him for that remark..LOL!

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