Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The BIG 2-4

Today I turned the big 24..just think next year my car insurance should drop. It was a great day..I received lots of love from friends and family and spent the evening with my wonderful family. I couldn't be more blessed!

This morning I awoke to a nice little snow dusting..the weather knew it was my birthday haha!

My unhappy pair..you can tell what Carter thinks of me being a year older all over his face. It's ok buddy..I don't want to grow older either.

Happy girl all decked out and ready to celebrate!

My dessert at Provinos..super yummy!

I think someone was worn out to the point of no return..between dinner and everything else..this has been by far the easiest nebulizer treatment ever.