Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Visit with Mimi and Me-Maw

This Saturday I took the kids up to visit my mom and grandparents for the day in Royston. The weather was absolutely beautiful and we had a blast running around the country side for a change.

Little baby, big field!

My little man getting rid of all that energy.

Happy to be at Mimi's house.

Layla rocking on the porch.

Mimi's house!

Me-maw rocking Layla on my mom's horse when she was little.

Carter loved rocking on it too!

Me-maw feeding Layla. Layla was named after her mother, Lala Bailey (just spelled differently).

Mimi surrounded by her fan club. What another great Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your mom's house!!! It is so beautiful! And of course my little angels are as darling as ever!
