Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Usual

I decided to update everyone on our usual routine at night with my little ones...sometimes I think we have way too much fun!

We usually start out by playing with remotely hazardous items like necklaces with beads..umm..where did that come from? It was discarded after this picture....

Ok..ok..maybe after this picture. Little miss Layla is into everything now.

Then a little sibling rivalry usually takes place over a toy that Carter knows Layla was playing with first..but hey..that is the advantage of being the big brother. I had three and believe me, I took a good beating every now and again.

My sweet baby boy and I...

Silly Mama..I think Carter was more ready to get out of this picture.

Some tub play time action.

The famous baby hiney shot.

Silly pair...
Layla all slicked back and ready for bed.

Playtime before bed. These two ware me out.

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