Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cousin Molly!

This past Sunday, we had the pleasure of finally meeting Miss Molly AKA: Miss Pucker! Miss Molly has quite the personality..she definitely loves her daddy and Layla learned real quick that her daddy is a one baby kinda man. It was great getting to visit with her and of course Uncle Tom and Aunt Sue. Carter hadn't seen them since his Baptism. The kids had an awesome time playing while we observed them and had a awesome lunch (compliments of Nana Bev).

This naughty threesome was into everything!

Layla happy that she finally had someone to play tea party with other then Carter and daddy..sorry guys.

Carter and Molly! This was the closest we got to getting them to look at the camera.

Merry belated Christmas Molly! We can't wait to see you again!

8 Months

Little Miss Layla turned 8 months on the 14th. Hard to believe that 8 months ago she was just a newborn. Layla is a very laid back and sweet natured baby (she has never met a stranger) as long as someone is holding her-- usually she is pretty good otherwise. She is definitely a girly-girl--she loves to be dressed up in her long dresses, hair bows, and Mary Janes. She is sitting very well now and we are hoping to get some crawling action real soon!

Layla is getting more independent and loves playing in her room.

She is very girly and always has her purse ready!

Carter is still her favorite person. I can be doing laundry and let them play in her room and they stay so content and have the best time.

Her favorite, Tea Party!

Layla has also grown into her brother's high chair and is going to be starting on some table food real soon!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Someone has been talking more and more everyday now and that certain someone sure loves her daddy!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby it's COLD outside...

Last night Georgia got hit with a massive snowstorm. We got close to seven inches here at our house. The kids had a blast playing in the snow (Layla enjoyed it this time)! Al and I even acted like a bunch of kids ourselves.

Excited he was waking up to a beautiful snowfall!

All bundled up and ready for the snow!

Snow boots on..this little guy was super ready!

Daddy and Carter going for a stroll.

Layla still a little unsure what to think of this white freezing cold mess.

Our little snowplow!

Our street..not even a tire mark in sight!

Our rocking chair showed a nice view of approximately how many inches we got!

After a day of playing in the snow, nothing better then a nice fire and some homemade hot chocolate!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A day at the Park!

After their Sunday afternoon naps, Al and I decided to load our munchkins and take them to the park to play. The weather has been a little warmer then what it has been and I think from being sick we all had a little cabin fever.

This little guy was so stoked to be at the park!

Climbing up to go down the slide. Last year we still had to hold his hand.

Getting ready to go down!

Daddy took Layla down the slide with him.

Layla's first time in a swing other then her one at home. She giggled and smiled the whole time.

We played until the sun came down!

Sorry a little blurry..these were taken from my phone.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year from our house to yours! I can't believe it is already 2011! Where does all the time go? 2010 was a great year for us..Layla Nicole made her big debut in May 2010 and my little man turned two also in May. We took an awesome getaway to the mountains with our best friends in March, joined First United Methodist Church of Lawrenceville, Layla was baptised in August, and I know there are a ton more. We have been kind of sick lately..I am getting over my 3rd case of Strep and Layla has had an ongoing ear infection since November. Looks like her genetics are in the same place as her big brothers and daddy..so we decided to stay low key and welcome 2011 at home relaxing. Here are a few pictures of my munchkins today!

Layla playing a little bit of everything..house, grocery store, and maybe tea party.

Carter being the friendly helpful neighbor as usual.

Sweet baby!

No collard greens or black eyed peas for this naughty pair..no sir..they are going all out on some chicken legs, potato chips, and some cakes. I like their style!

These two are just too cute! I can't believe how fast they are growing! Happy New Year!