Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby it's COLD outside...

Last night Georgia got hit with a massive snowstorm. We got close to seven inches here at our house. The kids had a blast playing in the snow (Layla enjoyed it this time)! Al and I even acted like a bunch of kids ourselves.

Excited he was waking up to a beautiful snowfall!

All bundled up and ready for the snow!

Snow boots on..this little guy was super ready!

Daddy and Carter going for a stroll.

Layla still a little unsure what to think of this white freezing cold mess.

Our little snowplow!

Our street..not even a tire mark in sight!

Our rocking chair showed a nice view of approximately how many inches we got!

After a day of playing in the snow, nothing better then a nice fire and some homemade hot chocolate!

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