Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Layla Nicole Hardin

May 14th, 2010 at exactly 11:00 pm, Miss Layla Nicole Hardin finally decided to make her appearance in this world. Weighing in at a big whopping 10lbs 4oz and measuring in at 23 1/4 inches long..it's amazing how I was even able to breathe.

Weight: 10lbs 4oz >95%
Height: 23 1/4 in >95%
HC: 38cm >95%

A lot has been going on these last few days..we are trying to get use to having a new baby around the house and I am trying to recover the best way I know how without over doing it. Here are a few pictures of our hospital stay and last few days.

Waiting on our baby girl!
Everything waiting on Miss Layla!
I definitely did not see this coming. They told me either I developed the gestational diabetes after my 28th week of pregnancy or my due date was off and she was late or both. Layla's sugars were a little low at birth and because of her weight she had to go on a formula diet until my milk came in.

Getting ready to go home! Layla looking like a Buddha..haha.
Getting ready to leave the hospital with our new little edition.

Carter has been a great big brother. He still is a little confused about her..he really does not acknowledge her all that much.
Little Miss Layla. When I was baby I looked just liked this. I had jet black hair and a lot of it. However, I did not weigh 10lbs and am not olive skinned. Mimi was proud to take the credit on the olive skin.
Carter wanted to hold the baby. This is before he started the "she does not exist phase".

Today we went back to pediatrician for her well baby check and she is in perfect health. The place on her head from where they used the vacuum has healed and her sugars and weight are great. Her stats are still off the charts. Layla, so far is taking after big brother Carter. She is a good little eater and only cries when she is hungry. She is eating about every three hours and sleeping well.

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