Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


This past weekend we went on our first family vacation with the Fullers to Gatlinburg, TN. Carter had a blast! We went to the Ripley's Aquarium and Carter loved seeing all the life under the sea. His favorite was the sharks and sword fish. We had great weather and also enjoyed walking around town and relaxing at the Cabin. We were so happy that we got to getaway one last time before the baby came. It meant a lot to me getting to spend a trip with Carter still being my only baby.

The view from our Chalet.

Our chalet was at a great location mountain wise but the driveway was horrible. I think Al and I both about had a panic attack when we saw how steep it was.
This is what Carter referred to as the "big big bath!" Too bad I could not join everyone as much as I wanted to. My sore feet got a nice dip..they needed it after walking around town all day.

Carter enjoyed a life size mirror.
On our way in, we got stopped by a bunch of cars pulled off the road. There was a Georgia black bear in the woods. We pulled over and got some shots of him as well.
Family photo in the mountains. Carter out of focus as usual.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Carter's Great Grandpa: A True American Hero!

As many of you know, Al's grandpa was in the Bataan Death March in WWII. Every year he goes to New Mexico and walks to remember all the brave men who lost their lives during that time. At 93, he can still walk past five miles. It is men like Col. Ben Skardon that make the military as strong and proud as it is today!

I hope Caroline doesn't mind but I borrowed these from her facebook.

Paw paw in front of the memorial!

Paw paw and his supporters!

Mile five and still walking strong!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

31 Weeks!

It's getting hard to believe that in 9 weeks or less Baby Girl Hardin will be here. I decided I needed to post some more belly photos since I haven't in a while. The pregnancy is progressing just fine with zero complications. Thats right, no diabetes this time around. Thanks to the gym and chasing Carter around..we are in good shape. Carter actually has a little understanding that what he refers to as "mommy's ball" is an actual baby inside my tummy. He will pull up my shirt and say "Hi bebe" (Bebe is how Carter says baby FYI)! It is too precious. Al, however, doesn't find it as amusing when Carter walks up to his tummy and says mama's ball.

**31 Weeks 1 day**

Friday, March 5, 2010

Surprise Lunch Visit!

Carter and mimi decided to surprise me for lunch today and I met them at Burger King. It was so nice getting to see my little angel in the middle of my work day.

This is how Carter eats his fries..with a close fist.

Chowing down on some hamburger.

Got to have the apple juice.....

Happy boy!!!
Awww..Mama's got to go back to work = (

Monday, March 1, 2010

February 2010 Wrap up!

This February was a very busy month for us. We had some crazy weather at the beginning of the month and finished up with some nice sunny weather.

**Visit with Nana Bev**

Carter riding the car! I am not sure that I want him having a license this soon.

Having a drink before the train ride.

Nana and Carter riding around the Mall of GA on the choo-choo train.

Getting Carter to smile and look at the camera is quite an effort these days.

**Visit to the Yellow River Game Ranch**

It was a nice weekend for the game ranch. We enjoyed visiting with all the critters.

Carter and Daddy getting ready to look at the bears.

Carter loved petting the dear. We never get to see them this close.


The american buffalo

I snaped this little guy because he is so cute and he loved eating Carter's crackers.