Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, January 17, 2011

8 Months

Little Miss Layla turned 8 months on the 14th. Hard to believe that 8 months ago she was just a newborn. Layla is a very laid back and sweet natured baby (she has never met a stranger) as long as someone is holding her-- usually she is pretty good otherwise. She is definitely a girly-girl--she loves to be dressed up in her long dresses, hair bows, and Mary Janes. She is sitting very well now and we are hoping to get some crawling action real soon!

Layla is getting more independent and loves playing in her room.

She is very girly and always has her purse ready!

Carter is still her favorite person. I can be doing laundry and let them play in her room and they stay so content and have the best time.

Her favorite, Tea Party!

Layla has also grown into her brother's high chair and is going to be starting on some table food real soon!

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