Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Oh' Christmas Tree

We finally got our tree up and all decorated and my little elves couldn't be more excited. Carter is super excited about Santa coming this year and especially about his tree like last year!

We did have a star but we decided to hire a two year old to hold on to it why we put the lights on..and well..the star retired early this year. Looks like we will be getting another one.

Layla wondering what all the commotion is about with a tree in the house and keeping Carter out of the tree is a job within it's self.

I think someone was ready for a bottle and a bath. Layla was feeling a little under the weather from her shots today. Poor baby.

Carter claiming the ornaments on the tree that are his. Poor Layla doesn't even get to claim her baby's first Christmas ornament.

This little naughty pair is so excited that they decided to even set-up camp in front of the tree. I mean, there isn't even a present under it yet. That right there is the true meaning of Christmas!

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