Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Daddy-daughter Tea Party

There is one thing in my life that I never thought I would see and that is Al Hardin having a tea party with his daughter. Layla got a little tea set from Santa this year and loves playing with it. She wanted Carter and daddy to drink some tea and eat some nice plastic treats too!

Al enjoying his 8th cup of tea in five minutes..haha.

Carter decided that he would be in charge of pouring the tea and distributing. I was invited to this tea party; however, I was busy photographing it..haha.

I guess Carter decided that daddy and Layla were not going to get any treats after all.

I think Layla was ready to have her own tea party.

Much better. This is one little lady that is content having tea with her puppy and purse.

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