Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Music Box

We've really been getting in the Christmas spirit around here. Tonight we broke out Carter's favorite music box! He has loved this music box since he was a baby. Truthfully I think it is because it has a train in it but either way it is definitely his favorite Christmas decoration. Layla even loved it as well. I think she was happy to just be in front of the tree with her big bro.

This little naughty pair was all decked out in their Christmas pajamas ready for Christmas music.

Layla wanting to give it try. Surprising Carter allowed her..hahaha.

After their Santa letters they have been on their best behavior!

The star has returned and I am sorry to say we had to fire Carter from holding it this time. Also, I managed to get some wrapping done this weekend..three down..a ton to go.

Time for the music box to go night night.

Layla all slicked back after her bath with her daddy!

Looks like we are going to be crawling any day now.

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