Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas in Dixie


Santa sure was mighty good to this Hardin household just like last year! It also sure was awesome having our first white Christmas. The snow started falling this evening and my little munchkins sure were excited to see it. We hope all family and friends had a Merry Christmas and we sure enjoyed getting all of y'all's Christmas cards! Here are a few pictures from our Christmas morning along with my favorite Christmas song to go along with it.

Video of the Munchkins this morning before and after they came downstairs!

Looks like Carter was extra good this year! Santa brought him a train table, Thomas the Train suitcase, a doctor's kit..just to name a few.

Layla too..a tea set, a purse, some books, and a few new sweaters and cardigans!

Carter almost completely disappeared after this..haha. He was so excited. Now we have a place to store all his trains.

Layla unsure of what is going on but enjoying her gifts from Santa!

Going through her stocking...

To find some mittens (which will actually be used early this year due to the snow), a pretty princess book and some bows for her hair.

Already wearing her bracelet and loading up her purse.

Trains even inside of the table. Carter couldn't get enough.

Al digging in his stocking..even though he was naughty this year!

A new pajama shirt from one of the best movies of all time "The Hangover".

A new video camera to start filming more of our little ones!

Oh la la...
The pen Carter bought me at school for Christmas!

Opening up a gift from under the tree!

I knew taking him to work with me that day benefited him..haha. A little doctor on our hands.

I hope everyone had a very blessed and safe Christmas!


  1. It was great getting to share Christmas morning with you all!!! The little nuggets had an awesome Christmas!!! Great job Santa!

  2. What a fun Christmas! Tom and Sue were supposed to bring our gifts to y'all...but looks like all the snow messed that up! Don't let Carter and Layla think Aunt Kat and Uncle Jim forgot about 'em! We'll get your gifts to you soon! :) So glad y'all had such a nice Christmas!
