Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve with Nana Bev

This is has been such a awesome Christmas season this year (except for me being gone a week)! Carter has had so much fun with Christmas and it's meaning. He is all excited about the presents under the tree and waiting on Santa's big arrival tonight. Nana Bev came down last night to spend the night and Christmas Eve morning with us.

Our big haul..haha. Carter can barely stand it. Christmas morning is going to be one big mess of wrapping paper and plus what Santa brings.

Nana Bev!

Opening her gift from our little munchkins and us.

I think my little munchkins did a good job!

I am going to have one sharp looking dude when he wears this!

Layla trying to grasp the concept.

Layla's new duds. She is already for spring!

Carter's big gift from Nana...

An object that makes a ton of noise!!!! Thanks Nana Bev..hahahaha! I think Al had more fun playing with this toy.

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