Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

This Christmas was a little more exciting for my sweet baby boy! Santa was very good to Carter this year and he earned everything he received from Santa by being a sweet boy. This Christmas, Carter received lots of trains and "saur" AKA: dinosaur things. He is also very interested in the "Little People" collection. Santa brought him the barn and air plane. Here are some shots of him on Christmas morning. We were not able to put all on here but you can click the link to view the rest on snapfish.

Carter's gifts from Santa!!!!!

Paw paw got Carter his very own Thomas the Train!!

Mimi got Carter a little Train track!
Daddy and his new kicks!
Thanks Uncle Tom, Aunt Sue, and Molly!!! Carter loves books!
His barn and plane. Uncle Nick added the "Little People" bus later on.
Carter super excited about his Santa gifts. This was not even half what was under the tree for the little guy. He took a long nap after all the excitement!
My sweet baby boy and I before we went downstairs!

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