Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

1st Snow

Layla had her first taste of snow the day after Christmas and...

Hated every minute...

every second...

every millisecond of it!

I tried changing up the pose hoping it would lighten her up a little bit...

A little better here with the trash bag keeping her dry. It really wasn't even that cold outside. Come to find out..she had a nasty ear infection. We will try again when we get some more snow.

I can also remember a time not too long ago when Carter experienced his first snow (February 2009).

Hard to believe my little man was actually this little. Carter has always loved the snow..sick or well.

Daddy-daughter Tea Party

There is one thing in my life that I never thought I would see and that is Al Hardin having a tea party with his daughter. Layla got a little tea set from Santa this year and loves playing with it. She wanted Carter and daddy to drink some tea and eat some nice plastic treats too!

Al enjoying his 8th cup of tea in five minutes..haha.

Carter decided that he would be in charge of pouring the tea and distributing. I was invited to this tea party; however, I was busy photographing it..haha.

I guess Carter decided that daddy and Layla were not going to get any treats after all.

I think Layla was ready to have her own tea party.

Much better. This is one little lady that is content having tea with her puppy and purse.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas in Dixie


Santa sure was mighty good to this Hardin household just like last year! It also sure was awesome having our first white Christmas. The snow started falling this evening and my little munchkins sure were excited to see it. We hope all family and friends had a Merry Christmas and we sure enjoyed getting all of y'all's Christmas cards! Here are a few pictures from our Christmas morning along with my favorite Christmas song to go along with it.

Video of the Munchkins this morning before and after they came downstairs!

Looks like Carter was extra good this year! Santa brought him a train table, Thomas the Train suitcase, a doctor's kit..just to name a few.

Layla too..a tea set, a purse, some books, and a few new sweaters and cardigans!

Carter almost completely disappeared after this..haha. He was so excited. Now we have a place to store all his trains.

Layla unsure of what is going on but enjoying her gifts from Santa!

Going through her stocking...

To find some mittens (which will actually be used early this year due to the snow), a pretty princess book and some bows for her hair.

Already wearing her bracelet and loading up her purse.

Trains even inside of the table. Carter couldn't get enough.

Al digging in his stocking..even though he was naughty this year!

A new pajama shirt from one of the best movies of all time "The Hangover".

A new video camera to start filming more of our little ones!

Oh la la...
The pen Carter bought me at school for Christmas!

Opening up a gift from under the tree!

I knew taking him to work with me that day benefited him..haha. A little doctor on our hands.

I hope everyone had a very blessed and safe Christmas!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve with Mimi

Mimi decided to come and surprise the kids after brunch today and brought them their presents a little early! Too bad Miss Layla was taking her nap.

Carter and Mimi! His school did a little fundraiser where the kids got to shop and he got Mimi and little gold heart that had the meaning of Grandma attached.

Mimi got him a book that has her voice reading to him. He loved it so much!

That he keeps listening to it over and over again!

Christmas Eve Brunch

After Nana Bev went back to Walhalla, we also headed up 85 North to Chateau Elan for my Aunt Debbie's annual Christmas Eve brunch! Here are a few pictures of the kids opening their presents from Aunt Debbie.

Layla all ready for Christmas!

Carter's gift from my Aunt. A Leap Frog learning Center!

Layla a little shy on showing her gift..haha.

She is so going to kill me when she is older..hahaha. Least her little ears will be ready for the possible snow we may get.

Layla's first Christmas Eve 2010!

Christmas Eve with Nana Bev

This is has been such a awesome Christmas season this year (except for me being gone a week)! Carter has had so much fun with Christmas and it's meaning. He is all excited about the presents under the tree and waiting on Santa's big arrival tonight. Nana Bev came down last night to spend the night and Christmas Eve morning with us.

Our big haul..haha. Carter can barely stand it. Christmas morning is going to be one big mess of wrapping paper and plus what Santa brings.

Nana Bev!

Opening her gift from our little munchkins and us.

I think my little munchkins did a good job!

I am going to have one sharp looking dude when he wears this!

Layla trying to grasp the concept.

Layla's new duds. She is already for spring!

Carter's big gift from Nana...

An object that makes a ton of noise!!!! Thanks Nana Bev..hahahaha! I think Al had more fun playing with this toy.

Big Helper

Carter has been such an awesome big brother! He loves helping out with Layla and loves making her laugh. This little guy throws away dirty diapers, brings me wipes, and helps me feed her solids. Here is a little video of my little man feed his little sister.

Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm Baaaaaaaaack

It is so good to be home after a week of freezing weather in the field. I missed my two little ones so much and of course Al. Working 14 hour days will sure make you exhausted. I was actually at Dobbins the whole time but our mission was to do a mock deployment and stay in tents and build up a bare base if need be. It was super cold but all the hard work made it go by real fast.

If we wanted to sleep, we had to build our shelter.

Decked out in my kevlar ready to go. I thought I was more prepared for the snow and ice.

Finishing up our tent. As soon as it was done I was ready to hit the sheets. Or shall I say cot since that is what we had to sleep on.

My sleeping quarters for the week. I was only smart one that packed an electric blanket. It came in handy for the ice storm we had.

Carter's Christmas Party

Today was Carter's Christmas party at school. I got out of the field just in time to see my little man at his party!

Of course this little guy was over by the juice the whole time..one of his favorite things in the world.

Ah yes..his second thing in the world..Mimi was able to make a surprise visit.

Carter, Layla, and I at the party.

Carter's classroom.

Carter and his friend Will going through their goody bags. It was great surprising Carter for his class party seeing how I had not seen him in over a week.