Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

This Halloween has probably been the best yet. Carter was such a big boy this year and fully understood the concept of trick or treating. I would say we walked about 2 miles and Carter was still full of energy. It was Al and I that were ready to call it a night and enjoy all of Carter's candy that he worked so hard for.

Thomas all geared up and ready to go and get that candy. We spent this Halloween at Al's bosses house (John). Wendy and Chris also came and joined us!

He later decided that he did not need the stroller.

My sweet mini mouse. The pea pod costume ended up being a little snug for this 17 pounder so I had to improvise a little bit.

Family photo before trick or treating!

Mini mouse all ready to go!

Or maybe not so much. Layla does not look real thrilled in her costume! The ears really bothered her.

Our pumpkins ended up being a great success! Thanks Uncle Nick!

This was a neighbors yard that put together this awesome little grave yard! I had to take a photo because it was like decorating for Christmas but for Halloween!

What a great Halloween for 2010!

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