Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Carter's Halloween Party

Today was Carter's class party at school and it was great getting to spend it with him. There were lots of games, scary stories, food, lots of juice, and Carter's favorite..cupcakes!

The little crew eating their cookies and applesauce and of course drinking their juice.

Carter ready to play some games!

This game, they had to jump on these color pads and throw a bean bag in the pumpkin!

Carter ready to throw that bean bag and get a prize!

Making little pumpkin magnets!

Our little pumpkin!

The kids also got to decorate a pumpkin and take it home!

Yummy cupcakes!

Decorating his pumpkin!

While the others were dancing to the music, my little guy decided to sit down and settle for a scary story right in the middle of the dance floor..haha! What a great way to end my Thursday!

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