Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, October 22, 2010

Take your toddler to work day!!

Today Mr. Carter decided to come to work and keep his mama company for a few hours. We did lots of neat things and got to explore some new equipment in my office.

We started out by getting a quick weight on this little guy...

Maybe not so little after all..!

Carter learning how to use the mama's stethoscope.

Listening to mama's heart. Definitely a future Dr. right here.

Next Carter learned that the ophthalmoscope is used to check patients eyes.

Carter knows the otoscope real well. I was able to look in Carter's ears and see that his green ear tubes are still perfectly intact.

Here we have a machine that would probably terrify most children..the pulmonary function test machine.

However, this little guy seemed ready to go.

Too bad Carter was too young to actually do the test. After receiving his flu shot, I know his lungs are functioning properly with the fit he pitched.

Ah yes, and the reward he received was well worth the day at work with mama.

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