Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Church Fall Festival

This Sunday after church, our church hosted their annual fall festival. It was a lot of fun and the munchkins and I had a great time. Wendy also decided to join us! There were awesome festivities and a great way to end a beautiful weekend.

Carter enjoying the famous moonwalk.

He decided that if he was already down he wouldn't fall from jumping.

Smiling for mama.

Wendy and Layla.

Layla wishing she could roll around the moonwalk.

The festival.

My babies and I enjoying the festival.

Wendy and Carter walking ahead.

Pumpkin decorating!

Our little pumpkin!

It was such a nice day out!

Somebody obviously had way too much fun!

Sweet baby!

We settled for some snow cones after walking around the festival a few times. For October it sure was a warm day. What a great weekend!

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