Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stomach Virus!

Sorry we have been out of touch lately. Just when I thought everyone was getting better, our health took a turn for the worst...

It started on a Thursday..a very ordinary day..I picked the munchkins up from daycare, got them home, and distributed after school snacks while I prepared dinner. I noticed Carter wasn't particularily interested in his after school snack so I thought nothing of it and thought "well school snack was extra good today..yummy mandarin oranges". 6:30 p.m. Al arrives home from work and I have already fed Layla dinner and have put her in the swing to start settling down..Carter is in his high chair and I had just laid his spaghetti plate on his tray. Al stands up to help him cut it when BLAHHHHHHHH throw up goes everywhere. And yes, it was confirmed that mandarin oranges were on the snack menu that day along with some fruit punch. Poor little Carter was terrified..he had never thrown up before. He looked like a little deer caught in head lights..bless his little heart!

Now appetiteless, Al and I rush him upstairs to the bathroom trying not to see our lunch from earlier from the smell of poor little Carter. We get him in the bath and bathed and in bed with some Gaterade.

Meanwhile, downstairs, little miss Layla is wondering what all the commotion is all about and is screaming at the top of her lungs. After bathing her and putting her to bed..Al and I collapse..what an evening!

That night I go check on Carter and he tells me his tummy is sad that "spitting up" as he called it really scared him and he hopes it doesn't happen again. Oh and FYI, trying to explain to a two year old that you also need to use the potty to "spit up" in is a very difficult process. My carpet was ready for Carter to feel better.

Praying that it was just food poisoning, Al stayed home with Carter on Friday and he threw up twice that day followed by some diarrhea.

Carter seems mostly back to normal and my mom came for a visit to see the kids and I fixed some hot dogs for our lunch. I started noticing around 8 o'clock that evening that I was not feeling very well but I couldn't recall what was making me feel that way.

8:30 Saturday Night
Al and I both get diarrhea. At this point, we are thinking greeeeeeaaaaat looks like it wasn't food poisoning. After a few visits to the bathroom, Al decides he is feeling better...unlike me I will NEVER eat another hot dog EVER again...because not only did I get diarrhea, I was also vomitting until 3 o'clock in the morning. Glad you got better Al because tomorrow I will not be able to help with the kids..BLAH!

Carter is completely better and I feel like I got ran over by a car. It is hard to rest when you hear your husband despitarately trying to deal with two tired and whiney children and you cannot help at all. Not to mention, the weather was too nice to be stuck in bed all sick.

I go to work still not feeling 100% and take Layla to the Dr. for an ear recheck to discover she has another ear infection and gets an ENT referral. At this point, I am so sick of illnesses I could just puke thinking about it. Oh the joys of motherhood.

Monday evening:
Layla started coughing pretty bad so Al and I figured she was getting ready to have an asthma attack (I know I make it sound so everyday but when you work for a pulmonary Dr...it helps..really). We were wrong..she threw up everywhere!!!!! My carpet did not get a long enough break. Poor baby girl didn't know what hit her. I felt horrible because she had been to daycare and been around other babies but I didn't know she was sick with the virus until that evening. So here I am..taking my turn at home this time with a sick baby.

Needless to say, I do not have any pictures of these last few days and think that is greatly appreciated. We should be back up and running again sometime this week. I am looking forward to this weekend and actually getting to relax and enjoy the nice weather. It was later determined by the pediatrician that the Norovirus was going around and man that is one mean bug! I also later determined that a little boy in Carter's class went home from vomiting the day Carter first got it. Just imagine, it took one child at school (bless his heart, I know he couldn't help it) to infect and wipe out one family with in the weekend. Please pray for my mom and Chase who walked right in it on Saturday hahahaha.

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