Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

9 Month Stats

Miss Layla finally had her nine month check up! Her stats are as follows:

Weight: 19lbs 2oz 75%
Length: 29 1/2 in >95%
Head: 47 cm >95%

Looks like Miss Layla is still maintaining her greater then 95th percentiles on her height and head but has dropped to the 75th in weight. Truth be told, I am glad that her weight finally evened out being such a big baby at birth. She is definitely growing long and lean just like her big brother!

Layla developed a little crush on a teenager who was also there to see the pediatrician. She was so smitten with him that I caught her on tape looking at him before and after she did certain gestures. Her daddy did not approve of this video at all..matter of fact, he says it is rated "R".

I didn't capture the young man #1, so Al couldn't hunt him down and #2, so he didn't think I was an absolute weirdo.


  1. I bet her daddy didn't like that one bit! She is just too darn cute for words. And of course, my little Carter man is too! Now whens baby #3? I think we have to be pregnant together this time around ; )

  2. Aren't they though ;) As far as baby #3 goes, don't you think my body needs a rest..haha? So I hope you and Chris aren't planning anytime too soon because you will be alone. *Remember I am back in school and got 18 months left until I am a RN..then we will talk!
