Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Easter Fun!

A rainy day is always a perfect day for decorating for the next holiday! My little twosome is definitely getting excited for a visit from the Easter bunny and some prizes from Easter egg hunts. So today we brightened up our rainy day by getting festive for Easter!

Something other then a wreath..haha. We are trying to be creative here.

Another view of our "Easter Bunny"...

Someone super stoked about some sweet potatoes. Not to mention she had three powdered donuts prior to that.

Sassy little thing! Oh and FYI, we have a Myringotomy and Adnoidectomy scheduled for April 11th! Hopefully little Miss Attitude will start feeling better.

Looking at Easter eggs with daddy!

Carter got a haircut today and since he was extra good..he got rewarded with some M&Ms.

He looks more like a little boy with all that hair gone :(

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