Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, March 31, 2011

School Spirit Night

Tonight Carter and Layla's school hosted their quarterly school spirit night at Chick fa-la! I got the munchkins all dressed in their school attire and off we went to "eat more chicken".

Somebody was not initially a happy camper about going to spirit night.

While somebody else was thrilled as long as he had his juice to accompany him.

Layla and I after she finally calmed down.

Diapers changed and shoes tied..we were ready to go!

Carter and his teacher Mrs. Beth. Carter just loves her so much!

Layla happy especially after being introduced to the famous waffle french fries!

Carter and daddy!

My gang ready to head home after coming out and representing Carter and Layla's school. Kids Crossing Learning Center has honestly been an awesome facility for our children.

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