Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, March 31, 2011

School Spirit Night

Tonight Carter and Layla's school hosted their quarterly school spirit night at Chick fa-la! I got the munchkins all dressed in their school attire and off we went to "eat more chicken".

Somebody was not initially a happy camper about going to spirit night.

While somebody else was thrilled as long as he had his juice to accompany him.

Layla and I after she finally calmed down.

Diapers changed and shoes tied..we were ready to go!

Carter and his teacher Mrs. Beth. Carter just loves her so much!

Layla happy especially after being introduced to the famous waffle french fries!

Carter and daddy!

My gang ready to head home after coming out and representing Carter and Layla's school. Kids Crossing Learning Center has honestly been an awesome facility for our children.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Home Early

Today Layla had an appointment with her pulmonologist to get cleared for surgery. She sounds so much better and after April 11th it looks like she will have a new set of ears which will much benefit her lungs! I also decided since I was off work to go and pick up Carter for a nice relaxing afternoon.

Happy girl!!! I'm so stoked that we can do her surgery..I am hopeful this will make her feel a lot better and maybe come off some of her medications.

Finally a nice amount of hair for a good ponytail.

Always wants to give away his food. I think you need that a little more then I do Mr. 31 lbs.

Silly boy!

Big smile full of all her new teeth!

I think Layla needs a new ribbon hanger. My new hobby is making bows (if you can't tell).

We are in love with Thomas the Train in this room! I should call it my blue room.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Visit with Paw-Paw

Another cloudy day here in Georgia so I packed up my munchkins and went and visited my dad! We tried to go to the playground but from all the rain we got this weekend it was completely flooded. My little man was so disappointed!

My munchkins with their paw-paw!

Uncle Nick even came by and saw Carter and Layla!

Someone disappointed about the flooded playground. Oh well, looks like paw-paw and Uncle Nick will just have to watch Toy Story 3 a thousand times..haha.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Easter Fun!

A rainy day is always a perfect day for decorating for the next holiday! My little twosome is definitely getting excited for a visit from the Easter bunny and some prizes from Easter egg hunts. So today we brightened up our rainy day by getting festive for Easter!

Something other then a wreath..haha. We are trying to be creative here.

Another view of our "Easter Bunny"...

Someone super stoked about some sweet potatoes. Not to mention she had three powdered donuts prior to that.

Sassy little thing! Oh and FYI, we have a Myringotomy and Adnoidectomy scheduled for April 11th! Hopefully little Miss Attitude will start feeling better.

Looking at Easter eggs with daddy!

Carter got a haircut today and since he was extra good..he got rewarded with some M&Ms.

He looks more like a little boy with all that hair gone :(

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pneumonia Free

Today we had another Dr.'s visit just to see how Miss Layla was doing and it turns out she is completely crackle free in her chest! Here are a few pics on her at the Dr.'s office waiting to be called back.

Not very excited to be back at this place so soon...

Thank goodness she is feeling better!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Feeling better...

I think someone is finally starting to come around a little bit. Layla's fever finally broke yesterday and she still has a little cough, but for the most part she is recovering well. She sees the ENT on Friday and hopefully we can get her surgery scheduled for tubes before I go to Japan. I am hopeful that this surgery will bring her much needed relief. I remember Carter was a completely different kid after he got his tubes. I think this will also ease some of her Asthma symptoms as well. Today Layla went back to daycare and had a "make-up" picture day since she was not there yesterday. According to her teachers, these were not her best shots..of course I won't know until I see the proofs. Every picture of your child is adorable to any mother..well in most cases anyways. Being involved in their extra curricular activities and hanging with the other mamas from Sunday school and their classes..it is amazing the "talk" you hear about other peoples children. I think Al and I have it really good and for that we are really blessed.

Still pulling on those ears but we got the ENT appointment on Friday!

She loves her little bike. She especially loves her daddy to push her on it.

Layla all decked out for picture day but apparently cried through every shot. Go figure..right?

Little biker chick.

This little dude all wrapped up like a burrito after his bath.

He wants a ride on his Thomas..hurry up daddy!

I think Al definitely got a good workout tonight!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Picture Day

Today my sweet baby boy had his picture day at school! Here are a few pics of him on his way out the door this morning.

Handsome little fella!

Still...juice is a serious priority.

Happy boy!


After all the stomach virus drama, this little girl picks up pneumonia not even a week after recovering from the virus. I have spent the last few days with her at home and she is just so pitiful..bless her little heart. Her fever finally broke today after developing it late Saturday evening.

Poor baby..her breathing treatments went from twice a day to every four hours.

Not much of an appetite but we are slowly getting there. Layla seems to be more interested in solid food then her bottle.

Just waking up from a long nap!

Ok..I think she was tired of pictures at this point. As much as I hated the fact she was sick, I did enjoy spending time with my little girl.