Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Will's Birthday smash!

We celebrated Will and his brother's Logan and Jackson's birthday today! Complete with bouncy house, hot dogs, squirt guns, and cotton candy machine.

It gets harder every year being an adult and trying to resist getting in the bouncy house. YOLO "you only live once"..haha!
Carter= not a big fan of squirt guns, unless he is the one doing the squirting. A very Alvin Hardin trait. 
Birthday boys!
Cotton candy makin'! 
Cotton candy fixes everything.
This girl was in charge of water balloons and did an excellent job making sure that everyone got wet who helped her make them.
If you couldn't find Layla by the water balloons, you could find her by the food (like her Mama).
The crew from preschool! Big First Graders now!
This is Lewis's baby sister, Janae. When I wasn't in the bouncy house or by the food, I was holding this cutie!
In addition to cotton candy, there was cake. I hope my kids understand that they met their sugar limit for the whole next week after this party!

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