Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, May 19, 2014

Down on Wendy's farm!

Talk about two kiddos full of belated birthday gifts and excitement this past weekend. My best friend, Wendy, has a Quarter horse and we all know Layla's love for "My Little Pony". Wendy took her to ride a "real pony" AKA: a Quarter horse named Skip. I had to beg and bribe her to come home!

She loved riding Skip. Poor Skip was probably over being called a pony. Bless his heart.
She was taught how to properly take care of a horse before and after riding.

Layla and her new BFF.

This little guy is a miniature Pony named Baron. He looks very cute but is quick to make you loose a finger if you are not careful. He is still a baby but is learning.
One of the horses on the farm just had a baby! 
Welcome to the world Rory!
I chilled with this goat mostly. She thinks she is a dog. She will jump up in your lap and swing with you on the hammock. I tried talking Al into letting me get a goat but that conversation didn't go over to well. Oh well, I tried.

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