Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, May 9, 2014


Happy Birthday to my sweet little birthday boy! 6 years have flown by and I cannot believe that he is 6 today!! I went and had lunch with him today and then we had dinner at the place of his choosing, Stevie B's! 

A little tribute that I made for him!

Carter's big haul.
Lunch at school with my birthday boy!
Cupcakes at school? I think so!

Every year, Carter and Layla get to pick where they want to eat for their birthday and this year, he picked Stevie B's. Some of his friends came and had pizza with us.
What was left of his birthday cake from school.
Making a wish!
Carter's best friend, Will, slept over last night for his birthday. Such a fun treat!

1 comment:

  1. what a fun birthday!! looks like c had a great one!
