Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Happy 4th Birthday to my sweet little girl! Layla had an awesome birthday with family! We started our fun filled day getting Layla's teeth all polished to start her fourth year and spent the rest of the day getting ready for her birthday dinner and cake! Her restaurant of choice, was Ihop where cousin Baylee joined in on the birthday fun!

A little tribute I made for Layla to celebrate 4 years!

Birthday girl ready to start her day!
A little birthday shopping. We had to let the whole store know it was her birthday.
We always have to make time for presents.

Layla's first bike! We can't wait to try it out this weekend.

This year she insisted on having a strawberry cake (random because I don't know where she has ever had it before) and I did my best to make one for her. It was ugly, but good!
Making a wish!
My sweet birthday girl and I. Can't believe I have yet another 4 year old!

1 comment:

  1. how is she already 4?!? happy birthday, pretty girl!!
