Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

We had a nice relaxing Mother's Day here at home. I got spoiled by my babies and hubby. My mom also came down to spend the day with us as well. The perfect Mother's Day! 

Happy Mother's Day to my Mama!
And a Happy Mother's Day to Nana Bev! You two sure need an award for putting up with Al and I.
I am so blessed! Loved all my Mother's Day lovin'.
Love these two more then life itself and I am so glad God choose me to be their mom. 
Mimi and the babies.
Love my portrait! According to Carter, I like to cook, drink Coca-Cola, and I am good at doing homework. Also, Jaws is my favorite show.

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