Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day!

Spent Memorial Day in Franklin County with family!

Happy Memorial Day from Carter and Layla!
My grandma and Baylee.

My Paw-paw, U.S. Air Force, Korean War.
Al's Paw-Paw, U.S. Army, WWII, Korean War.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Haunted Alcovy Mill!

Supposedly this old Mill in Dacula is said to be one of the most haunted places in Georgia. Rumor has it, that when you drive by at night, there is a light on upstairs. Lucky for us, Gwinnett county made it in to a local park.

Pretty creepy but a great historical land mark. 

Play time at the park.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Will's Birthday smash!

We celebrated Will and his brother's Logan and Jackson's birthday today! Complete with bouncy house, hot dogs, squirt guns, and cotton candy machine.

It gets harder every year being an adult and trying to resist getting in the bouncy house. YOLO "you only live once"..haha!
Carter= not a big fan of squirt guns, unless he is the one doing the squirting. A very Alvin Hardin trait. 
Birthday boys!
Cotton candy makin'! 
Cotton candy fixes everything.
This girl was in charge of water balloons and did an excellent job making sure that everyone got wet who helped her make them.
If you couldn't find Layla by the water balloons, you could find her by the food (like her Mama).
The crew from preschool! Big First Graders now!
This is Lewis's baby sister, Janae. When I wasn't in the bouncy house or by the food, I was holding this cutie!
In addition to cotton candy, there was cake. I hope my kids understand that they met their sugar limit for the whole next week after this party!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Summer has begun!!

It was nice sleeping in this morning and totally bumming it at the pool all day with Baylee and my kiddos. Life is tough!

The three amigos.

You see this girl? It was her first time in a pool today!
Pool bums!

So glad the pool is finally open! We are a crew that is ready for summer!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

School is OUT!!

Hard to believe today was Carter's last day of kindergarten. Such a bittersweet feeling!

From an unsure kindergartner on the first day of school...
To a confident First Grader! We couldn't be more proud!
On his way out to the carpool line! My first big hug from a First Grader.
This girl on the other hand...
Is going to Pre-K in the fall and couldn't be more excited.
My babies are growing up!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Down on Wendy's farm!

Talk about two kiddos full of belated birthday gifts and excitement this past weekend. My best friend, Wendy, has a Quarter horse and we all know Layla's love for "My Little Pony". Wendy took her to ride a "real pony" AKA: a Quarter horse named Skip. I had to beg and bribe her to come home!

She loved riding Skip. Poor Skip was probably over being called a pony. Bless his heart.
She was taught how to properly take care of a horse before and after riding.

Layla and her new BFF.

This little guy is a miniature Pony named Baron. He looks very cute but is quick to make you loose a finger if you are not careful. He is still a baby but is learning.
One of the horses on the farm just had a baby! 
Welcome to the world Rory!
I chilled with this goat mostly. She thinks she is a dog. She will jump up in your lap and swing with you on the hammock. I tried talking Al into letting me get a goat but that conversation didn't go over to well. Oh well, I tried.