Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, September 12, 2011

Manic Monday

Just another manic Monday here at this Hardin household. It was definitely a PP&J night here but there was no complaining from these tired munchkins.

This was actually Layla's 2nd PP&J!!

While someone else on the other hand, barely finishes one.

Watching Blues Clues!

After a crazy weekend, it definitely didn't stop at Monday. The munchkins had several class activities and me just getting out of the hospital (I'm seeing the GI Dr. next Wednesday..just to keep everyone posted). Hopefully Tuesday will be better!


  1. It was good seeing and taking care of you Sunday sweet girl. Glad you are feeling better! Keep me posted. Love you, Mom.

    Kiss my precious Angels for me.

  2. Keep me posted too! You know I would so come and stay the night with you at the hospital again hahaha. Can't wait to see y'all on Sunday :)
