Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Sunday we loaded up the babies and spent the day at the park! The kids enjoyed feeding the fish at the pond and playing on the playground. It was the last day of sunlight before getting hit by some nasty storms.

Carter always manages to make a friend at the park. I think it was to manipulate this little boy into giving him more bread to feed the ducks.

Miss Priss enjoying the ducks and of course being out of the stroller.

Fun at the playground. Unfortunately, we didn't get very many food shots..keeping these kids hydrated was occupying enough.

Such a bog boy!

Carter enjoying the swings!

My sweet very tired babies and I.

Tired..yet so full of energy.

Layla always loves the swings. She loves to swing and watch her brother play!