Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, September 3, 2011

First Sleepover

Carter is turning into such a big boy that we decided that it was time for him to have his first sleepover. The night went pretty well taking on two three year olds, a seven year old, and a fifteen month old. I seriously felt like super women..overall, I had a really fun night filled with lots of pizza, my destroyed living room, toddlers jumping on the bed, and finally getting them to bed one by one. Hey..everyone woke up in one piece the next morning..including me.

Boys and their guns!
Our bed soon got taken over as well.

Layla wanting to be one of the boys.

Enjoying their pizza!

Bath time over..these two were ready for bed or I thought...

Upon walking downstairs, I instantly heard little feet running around up above me. After my fourth trip upstairs (oh say around midnight) these two were out cold.

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